- Can I use EndNote to bulk upload PDFs into DistillerSR when the library is more than 500 MB?
- How can I maintain DistillerSR RefID's from DistillerSR into EndNote back to DistillerSR?
- RightFind is not working in DistillerSR.
- When importing references from an .ENLX file, I get the message "Something went wrong with the import, please try again"
- Reference cannot be uploaded because it has an invalid RefID
- Can Labels from Endnote be transferred to DistillerSR Labels?
- How can I add Tags to references?
- I added references at Level 2 originally, but would like to shift them down to Level 1 (and keep the response sets).
- How can I quarantine references?
- Receiving a Validation error while uploading a JSON file
- Can I delete a specific Tag in bulk?
- Can I import references from PubMed that are specific to a date range?
- How can I delete an attachment?
- How can I unlink references?
- My Project contains duplicate references but they are not being detected by Duplicate Detection.
- How do I remove duplicate references?
- How can I assign my reference source(s)?
- Can I change RefIDs of my reference(s)?
- Adding Labels to individual references
- What is the maximum number of references I can have in a Project?
- Is there a quick way to locate a specific reference/status in my Project?
- How can I bring references back from quarantine?
- How should I format my CSV file for importing references?
- How do I remove references that fall in a specific date range?
- My RIS file is not uploading
- How can I add attachment(s) to a single reference?
- Endnote .enlx file size restrictions
- Can I download my PDFs from DistillerSR?
- What is the largest RefID number allowed?
- Endnote does not retain the DistillerSR RefID