Once references are imported into DistillerSR, you will not be able to change their RefIDs. If you have made an error in setting the RefID upon import, we recommend bulk deleting the incorrectly ID'd references in Datarama, and re-importing them with the correct configurations on the Find and Import References screen.
When importing references into DistillerSR, you can either use the IDs allocated in your file or the PMIDs from PubMed to identify them, or select "sequential RefID starting at". This option will start with the RefID value entered in the text field (e.g. from 1), and increment sequentially with each reference.
For example, in this Project, there are references with the RefIDs 1 through 432, so when the sequential RefID option is selected, it auto-populates with RefID 433. If you already have references in your Project, you should use the "Next available RefID" as the starting value to ensure you do not erroneously Skip/Overwrite/Update existing references.
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