Re-Rank - While screening references, enable the Re-Rank feature to help you save time. This feature shuffles references in the background to show you those you are likely to include more quickly. To enable this feature, go to Workflow > Manage Levels > Level Settings for your Screening Level(s), and enable "Continuous AI Reprioritization".
Duplicate Detection - DistillerSR has a built-in duplicate detection feature. If you’ve received references that have gone through an external duplicate detection check - it’s worth running it in DistillerSR to catch any duplicate references that may have been missed. It can be found in References > Duplicate Detection.
PRISMA Reporting - Did you know you can generate a PRISMA flow diagram with a click of a button? To generate your PRISMA report go to Reports > PRISMA 2020 or Reports > Exclusion Reports & PRISMA. Currently, the 2009 version can still be generated on the Exclusion Reports screen.
Keyword Highlighting - Use this feature to draw the eye of the reviewer to useful information for screening & data extraction. To input your keywords, go to Workflow > Keyword Highlighting.
Labels & Tags - These two features are great for organizing, tagging, and filtering your references. Follow these links to learn more about Labels andTags.
DOI, RightFind & Article Galaxy - If you’ve brought in references with DOI and have subscriptions to RightFind & Article Galaxy, you can access full texts from within your Project. To enable this feature, go to Workflow > Manage Levels > Level Settings, and scroll to Display Full Text Sources. Enable those that your team is using.
Copy Forms - Did you know you can make Forms available to other team members and copy them into other Projects without starting from scratch? To share and reuse Forms, go to Workflow > Copy Forms. To share a Form with other team members, select ‘Account Template’ next to the desired Form. To copy an existing Account Template Form into your Project, click Import into [Project Name].
Project Folders - Project folders can help with organization of numerous Project. To start creating folders and organizing your Projects, go to Projects > Project Folders. This feature is only available to Account Administrators or Owned Users with the Add Project Global Permission.
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