Sometimes, in the Reference Status Report, you will see a number of Saved, unsubmitted references. When you click on this number to access them in Datarama and the resultant report is empty, it means that these references were previously at this Level, and no longer at that same Level.
This number of references were previously at the Data Extraction (DE) Level, and reviewers may have started working in the Form, then saved to resume work later (which is reflected in the Reference Status Report). If the Project was changed in a way that results in the exclusion of these saved, unsubmitted references at an earlier Level, they are no longer at the DE Level, so they can't be accessed them as expected.
However, you can still generate a report containing these references and delete response sets as needed.
- Click on the number of Saved, unsubmitted references in the Reference Status Report. The empty Datarama report will open in a new tab.
- In Datarama, go to the Advanced Options tab and select 'All data for the reference' in the Advanced Options drop-down menu:
- Go to the Reference Criteria tab and change Completion Status to 'Choose a status':
- Click Run Report. The references and their empty response sets should appear in the report.
At the bottom of the report, click Delete (number) response sets.
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