References enter a conflict state to indicate that multiple reviewers did not agree about the content of a reference. Conflicts occur when the Disagreement Result is set to Conflict and the Users Needed to Process is greater than 1 (both in the Level Settings) and there are differences in users’ response sets. References in a conflict state will not move on to the next Level in the review until a consensus is reached between reviewers.
To view all conflicts in your Project, go to Reports > Reference Status. Click the number under the Conflict column. A Datarama report will open, revealing the list of references in a conflict state for the Level selected. It will show all of the answers submitted by each reviewer for each reference in a conflict state.
To resolve the conflict, click one of the cells to open the original Form. Come to a decision or consensus between reviewers about whether or not the reference should be included, and make the appropriate changes to the Form, then reconcile references.
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